Financial Services Professional Team
01-Nov-2020 By - team

Is a business consultant what you need?

Business consultants are frequently sought after for employment in organisations of all sizes, for a variety of reasons. Business consultants may be employed for a variety of purposes, including the management of employee benefits such as healthcare, or they may simply be recruited to recruit new workers.

Providing individualised training programmes and resources to clients in order to boost staff productivity is one of the consulting industry's most lucrative revenue streams. An entire market has developed around the practise of businesses paying for motivational speakers to visit their facilities and inspire their workforce.

Idea generator: A consultant can bring a fresh perspective to your business that you might not have. They can see the bigger picture of the market and where your company fits into it by being an outsider. The insights they have can boost your internal team to new ways of thinking and approaching problems.

Small business consultants give business owners advice on strategy, problem solving, and developing skills. They also come up with resources and lay out a plan to improve an organization's performance.

How to find a small business consultant
  1. Define your needs. Clearly define what you are looking for in a consultant before you search for one. ...
  2. Determine the contract's scope and budget. ...
  3. Network. ...
  4. Search consultant marketplaces. ...
  5. Post on social media. ...
  6. Research freelancer sites. ...
  7. Review the consultant's background. ...
  8. Ask questions.
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This is due to the fact that many successful business people are aware of their particular markets and niches, and they are aware of the tasks that need to be completed; yet, they may not always be aware of how to communicate this knowledge to their workforce. So when it comes to bridging the gap between a CEO’s vision and what is actually taking place on the ground, sometimes a pair of fresh eyes from an outside party is the best way to do it.

Additionally, businesses use consultants to handle their finances, employee safety, advertising and marketing campaigns, and promotional efforts.

What is a business consultant?

A contractor that advises your company and contributes their expertise, abilities, and experience without becoming a full-time employee is known as a business consultant.

For instance, a contractor may be brought on board to assist with resolving a particular issue, the implementation of an expansion, establishing processes, or establishing a sales and marketing plan.

It’s possible that some consultants will just spend a few hours working for your company. Others, like financial or information technology consultants, may continue to provide assistance to businesses for a considerable amount of time.

Five categories of consultants

Strategy and Management Consultants

These companies or individuals will have a comprehensive grasp of the market you are targeting and will be familiar with the standard operating procedures of your sector. As a result, they can help you increase your company’s capabilities, enlarge your market footprint, expand your product offerings, reorganise your business for greater efficiency and cost savings, help you expand your product offerings, help you make a large equipment purchase, or even help you buy out another company.

Operations Consultants

These businesses put an emphasis on improving both the quality and efficiency of your processes. So you could employ them when you want to map out current processes, evaluate them, and acquire ideas and guidance to enhance quality, reduce the number of steps or mistakes, raise margins, and lower expenses.

IT Consultants

These businesses put an emphasis on improving both the quality and efficiency of your processes. So you could employ them when you want to map out current processes, evaluate them, and acquire ideas and guidance to enhance quality, reduce the number of steps or mistakes, raise margins, and lower expenses.

Human Resources Consultants

Probably the sector experiencing the most rapid expansion in the consulting industry right now. Because of the rapid advancement of technology and the increasing demand for technical support, the vast majority of businesses have, at some point, sought the assistance of a consultant in order to help them integrate and improve their computer or phone systems or storage space, upgrade servers, and so on.

Sales & Marketing Consultants

Utilizing the services of businesses operating in this sector allows for the development of marketing plans, the creation of positioning statements, the creation of a brand, the launch of advertising campaigns, the establishment of social media strategies, the beginning of the sales process and improvement, as well as the design of sales training and coaching.

Why would you ever hire a consultant?


It’s possible that your organisation doesn’t have the internal resources or the skill set necessary to tackle the project you want to work on or the objective you want to achieve. Utilizing a consultant or a strong person from within your sector may result in substantial financial gains.

Seasoned change agent

It’s possible that your organisation doesn’t have the internal resources or the skill set necessary to tackle the project you want to work on or the objective you want to achieve. Utilizing a consultant or a strong person from within your sector may result in substantial financial gains.

Process improvement

Your consultant will be an expert in their subject, maybe even the leading authority in their field, and will have years of expertise in the problem that you are tackling for the first time. So why bother attempting to create a best practise when a consultant has probably already put it into effect a number of times?

Idea generator

A consultant can provide you with a new viewpoint on your company’s operations that you may not have on your own. Being on the outside of the industry allows them to understand the wider picture of how the market works and how your firm fits into it. The insights they have can help your internal team think in fresh ways and approach challenges in different ways, which can be beneficial.


Consultants are inherently suited to roles as instructors due to the nature of their work. In addition, they are responsible for imparting others their wisdom, understanding, and experience. Therefore, they would be an excellent candidate to conduct a training session, give a presentation, or coach individuals or teams one-on-one or in groups.

The use of consultants is beneficial, but one of the most significant drawbacks is the responsibility that comes with ensuring that the utilisation of a consultant results in observable and actionable outcomes and that you can plainly see the impact of these outcomes on your profits and bottom line.

In far too many cases, a consultant will provide you with a plan and a blueprint on how to make it happen; but there will be no follow-through to ensure that the strategy is executed, that it is followed, and that the outcomes are monitored. There is no guarantee that the consultant is to blame for this situation. It’s possible that the sole reason they were employed was to complete the setup and a few duties. The time and money spent on consulting might also add up to a significant amount. It is possible for large corporations to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and have absolutely nothing to show for it after almost a year has passed.

How do you know when to hire a business consultant?

Employing a business consultant requires making a significant commitment in terms of time and financial resources.

However, if you recruit at the proper time, your investment may yield enormous dividends for your firm’s revenue, reputation, and long-term success.

As a result, it is crucial to have a knowledge of when it is appropriate to hire a consultant. Take into account the following necessities as signs that your team would benefit from working with an outside expert.

Lack of in-house resources

You want to run a marketing campaign on Facebook but don’t know how to start. Because of this, it would be beneficial to work with a contractor or consultant who could show you the ropes and ensure everything is set up correctly.

Expert Insight

A professional certified public accountant (CPA) may provide some helpful guidance when making significant decisions that will significantly impact your firm’s future, such as switching from a C corporation to a S corporation.

Having a professional on hand who is familiar with the intricacies of a choice, such as deciding whether or not to bring on an investor or how to improve performance on a project, may save you from misdirecting your financial and time resources, so assisting you in avoiding failure.

Maintaining effective business processes and operations is crucial for maintaining your company’s success or failure.

Frequently, companies do not have the time or the ability to conduct a critical analysis of their fundamental operations, and as a result, they require the assistance of an independent party to evaluate the state of their processes.

Consider, for instance, the marketing outreach initiatives you do for sales: When was the last time you truly read every word of what is contained in the material that you send out to potential customers? Are you aware of the typical location where you’ll put a call to action? Do you have any idea what the thing even appears to be?

In many cases, even the sales and marketing personnel involved in developing and conveying those messages to other individuals do not do so. This is not due to their lack of skill or drive; rather, it is because this is all they do throughout the course of a typical day. Instead, it’s possible that they are bogged down in the details of their procedures, and either don’t have the time or the capacity to reflect on the procedure for which they are accountable critically.

Employing a consultant may help improve and enhance your key processes, therefore providing your firm with an objective pair of eyes that can assist in making your company more efficient in its operations.

How do you measure the ROI of a business consultant?

A business consultant’s return on investment (ROI) can be difficult to calculate because consultants typically provide assistance in a number of different areas, the majority of which are based on long-term growth.

According to the Predictive Index Consultant Report findings, more than one-fourth (27 percent) of businesses have decided not to engage consultants since it is difficult to determine the return on investment (ROI).

You may get a better idea of how much employing a business consultant can assist you by approaching the partnership with a few specific goals in mind, which are as follows:

  • Establish clear and attainable objectives right from the start of your partnership.
  • Find ways to assess their job’s advantages, both concrete and intangible.

Determine how to evaluate the performance of your consultant based on the scope of the task you have assigned them. For instance, if you hired a consultant to assist you with your company’s communications, you could utilise KPIs like the following:

  • Rank in clicks
  • Open rate
  • Rate of bounce
  • Unsubscribes
  • Response rate
  • Conversions and new leads

When attempting to quantify intangible advantages, one way to do so is to examine the degree to which your team’s confidence has changed before and after the establishment of the relationship. For example, conduct an internal poll or compare the feedback that prompted you to employ a consultant in the first place with the feedback that you get during and after your collaboration. Alternatively, you might reference input that led to you hiring a consultant.

You Should Hire a Small Business Consultant if…

You Lack a Solid Marketing Strategy

Strategy is at the root of many of the challenges and disappointments that are encountered in marketing.

Your marketing will not be as effective as it may be if you do not clearly understand who your ideal customer is, why they buy from you, and what sets your company apart from the other options available to them in the market.

In order to develop momentum, you need a marketing approach that is both authentic and successful.

A good marketing consultant for small businesses will FIRST put in the necessary time to establish a marketing strategy, and only then will they begin to put in place the strategies necessary to carry out that plan.

Keep in mind that strategy should come before tactics at all times.

accountant bookkeeping people

You Don’t Have Enough Time for Marketing

If you want your company to expand, you will need to emphasise marketing strongly. If you do not constantly advertise your company, you will be unable to produce sustainable growth. There is just no escaping it!

However, what if you simply don’t have the time to devote to marketing?

As long as you are prepared to take action to address the situation, the fact that you do not have sufficient time for marketing actually is not an issue.

Hiring a small company marketing consultant may guarantee that your marketing is optimised and provide you the opportunity to leverage your time, enabling you to concentrate on the aspects of your work that you are most skilled in and find the most enjoyable.

You Have Resource Gaps

There are many kinds of resource gaps, including time, people, expertise, finances, and desires, to name a few.

There are many owners of small businesses who believe that doing things oneself is preferable. But unfortunately, taking this path is not a simple endeavour. It’s possible that you’ll do things correctly today but make blunders later.

It is not inappropriate in the least to seek the assistance of marketing consultants in order to not only improve what is currently successful but also to assist you in filling any holes that may exist in your marketing strategy.

Marketing consultants are familiar with the most difficult obstacles that small businesses face in the marketing arena and the solutions to those obstacles. They are also adept at maximising the use of all the marketing resources at their disposal, which allows them to work more efficiently and save time.

When you employ a small business marketing consultant, you have access to a subject matter expert who is able to point your company in the correct path and assist you in achieving your business goals.

If you need legal counsel, you get it from an attorney, right? So why not use the same approach with your marketing instead? Because of the rapid pace at which marketing is evolving, it is practically difficult for a small business owner to keep up with the expertise that a marketing consultant will have.

You Aren’t Generating Enough Leads

One of the most common issues that small businesses encounter is not generating enough leads for potential customers.

Expanding your company and seeing it succeed is hard if you do not have enough leads. A marketing expert who specialises in working with small businesses can assist you in determining why this is taking place and what adjustments need to be made in order for your company to once again be inundated with leads.

You Aren’t Converting Enough Leads into Sales

The failure to turn leads into sales may be a symptom of a variety of various problems, including leads of poor quality, an ineffective procedure for lead conversion or sales, etc.

A marketing consultant that specialises in working with small businesses may assist in determining where problems are occuring and what steps need to be taken to rectify the situation.

Most of the time, businesses do not need to focus on generating more leads; rather, they should focus on converting a greater percentage of the leads they already get.

You Can’t Stay Focused

They are responsible for sales, marketing, and human resources, in addition to having personal life to attend to after the business day is through, and they go home.

Given all of these responsibilities, it can be challenging to concentrate and give marketing the attention it truly requires.

A small business marketing expert may set up a MARKETING SYSTEM for your company so that you can concentrate on running other crucial aspects of your company while remaining certain that your marketing strategy is on the right path.

You Are Struggling to Differentiate Your Business From the Competition

Companies that have difficulty differentiating themselves from the competition frequently wind up competing with one another based on pricing, which is a war that cannot be won.

A small business marketing consultant can assist you in developing and putting into action a robust marketing plan that will enable you to clearly define your competitive advantage and the reasons why clients should purchase from your company.

DO NOT Hire a Small Business Consultant if…

You Think They Are Magicians

Everyone would be wealthy if getting success in marketing were as simple as plucking a rabbit out of a hat if that were the case. But unfortunately, this is not the situation.

Consultants in marketing are considered subject matter experts. For instance, they may be experts at driving traffic to websites, converting leads, or establishing a following on social media. Other areas in which they may have expertise include:

They do not truly have the capacity to rocket a company straight to the top of its industry in an instant. Experienced consultants use no quick cuts. You might be able to see results more quickly using some shortcuts, but in the long run, those shortcuts will always come back to haunt you.

Suppose you believe hiring a small business marketing consultant would suddenly turn around your company in a matter of weeks. In that case, you should refrain from doing so since you will be quite dissatisfied with the results of the engagement.

Any marketing consultant you choose to deal with should spend the time necessary FIRST to develop a powerful marketing strategy and then implement perfect marketing methods to reach your business objectives.


You’re Not Willing to Invest in Other Parts of Your Business

Investing in a small business marketing consultant will prove to be a wise decision for your company in the long run, but doing so may cause some of your other business operations to struggle.

As your company expands, you could have difficulties in areas such as providing good customer service or managing your personnel resources. You should not engage a small company marketing consultant if you are not ready to make an investment in resolving any problems that may arise throughout the course of working with the consultant.

Your company must have the capacity to manage the increased number of leads as well as the needs for fulfilment that come with the additional business.

This is a high-class challenge, but you still need to be devoted to finding a solution to it since problems in other areas of your business will affect the return on investment you see in your marketing.

You’re Not Willing to Commit to Your Marketing

The act of marketing is not a one-time occurrence but rather a continuing practice. It’s not the kind of thing you can do once and then reap the rewards for the rest of your life.

Many of us already know this on some level, but when it comes to their marketing, many business owners have expectations that are not realistic. Therefore, I would recommend looking elsewhere to spend your money if you are not ready to make long-term investments in your business’s marketing.

Your home-based company is thriving and now provides enough income to support not just you but also your family. What should I do now? The subject of how to expand your company to the next level is likely to present itself to you first and foremost as a natural one.

Nevertheless, we should keep in mind that growing or expanding a business is not a simple endeavour. It is well recognised that one of the most prevalent reasons for the demise of a small firm is unsafe growth through overexpansion. When the chance to scale and develop a firm is not managed wisely, the business is bound to fail, despite how enticing the possibility may be.

Is it the correct moment to bring in assistance from other sources? It is important to keep in mind that your company’s continued success and expansion should be your first concern, no matter how much control you desire to exert over your firm.



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